Let Blue Coast help you navigate the foreclosure and short sale process!
In real estate short sales, the lender agrees to accept less than the amount owed by the borrower via the sale of the property. The lender releases the borrower from the mortgage, which prevents foreclosure.
If you are having trouble making payments and are considering short selling or foreclosure, we can help. There are options available. We have assisted a number of families during this challenging process and helped them to come out of it with a plan. With our network of Real Estate Agents, Attorneys, Mortgage Bankers and Institutional Lenders, we deliver solutions to help homeowners prevent foreclosure.
We can also help find REO and foreclosure homes in Boca Raton, Delray Beach, other parts of Palm Beach County, Broward, Dade counties or any other area of the beautiful Sunshine State, including Fort Lauderdale, Miami and beyond.